Category: Reflections

Posted on: May 27, 2020 Posted by: Elidi Comments: 0

Character, Not Color

Our nation has a complex and storied history. In order to become a more progressive and just world, we as a nation, must take responsibility and be held accountable for discrimination against targeted groups. This is ever-present with the bias towards the African American community and the horrid injustice this group faces day in and day out. To live in a state of fear based on ones color is a world we do not want to be a part of; yet cruelly, is the reality for millions of Americans. The Elidi Foundation celebrates our nations unique and beautiful cultural differences. When it comes to the injustice of the world, we support causes that see character, not color. We are privileged to support The Innocence Project.

Posted on: April 19, 2020 Posted by: Elidi Comments: 0

Relief for California Immigrants

The Elidi Foundation feels fortunate to donate to the The Tides Foundation in support of California Immigrants during this global pandemic. It is disheartening that the very people that make up the backbone of our society are left without resources or support from the place they call home. We at the foundation have always admired the hard work of the immigrant community, and have studied or worked among them our entire lives. Our collective California home, a place immigrants tirelessly contribute to, to keep the economy and infrastructure in tact, needs to provide them what they so graciously provide it: it’s care.